Thursday, December 30, 2010

Val Gross...Please Leave Me Alone!

Val Gross

Okay, there was this police officer going around trying to ruin my life.  He told my so-called victim a lie, went to the university I was attending, got me kicked out unfairly and the wrote a two paged single-spaced letter to DHS so I wouldn't get custody of my nephew.  I went to who I thought was my Councilperson, I went to my Councilperson, I spoke to Lee Jones the President of the Council and his Supervisor.  Who would I go to next? You guess it, the Chief of Police.  Only he knew I was coming, and had something ready for me.  Like I said this detective is his last drug dealing detective.  He couldn't have this situation get out of hand, because he could be demoted or better yet a part of the next round of layoffs.  So what does the Chief of Police do???  He charges me with Stalking him for trying to file a complaint.  A complaint that is well documented; I must add.

First, Val is not my type.  If it wasn't for his high-pressured tactics back in the day, I would have never spent more time on him than humanly necessary.  If you read the men of the last 23 years, and you know a handful of them you know Val is not my type.  My type is tall and thin.  I don't like football players, and Jeff was a dear exception.  If you know him, though, he has a stellar personality.  Unless he gets angry he's not that hard to please or get along with.  He likes all people, except for stupid people and he is giving and nice.  Everybody at the job liked him, and looked passed his fits of anger, because when he wasn't angry he was a good guy.  Val isn't that by far, and probably has more people smiling in his face and wishing he would drop off the face of the earth behind his back.  He's a little power hungry for my taste and far too into being The Chief than he should be.  With that being said, I wonder why he would risk it all for Paul.  I guess he likes Poker a lot, because he's in the midst of an all or nothing fight for his job and reputation.

Second, this isn't a case of Stalking.  I don't think it is a case of harassment.  I went to his home, his ex-wife's home or whatever one time.  Other than the Commissioner's Meetings, I haven't seen him.  I haven't talked to him on the phone, it's obvious I don't know where he really lives.  So what the problem is?  He doesn't have a Personal Protection Order against me, and sent me a reminder from the State Police about my PPO that Steve has against me.  When I opened it, I just laughed so hard the lady in line ahead of asked what was funny.  I just replied, "Some people think you are really stupid."  That PPO is personal, between Steve and me.  It has nothing to do with the Pontiac Police Department.  If that was the case then why do I have "friends" on Facebook who are PPD.  I went to Trinity the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and I didn't know, but there are lots of cops there.  Nobody has brought any charges against me.  Why does he think that Steve's and my business is his business.  What Steve does is his business.  He can choose to disregard that PPO when he wants, go to court to have it cancelled or keep it in place.  All these things have nothing to do with Val Gross.

The document reads "Steven Christopher Wittebort" and not "The entire Pontiac Police Department".  If that's the case a man who works for Ford or Chrysler who gets a PPO out on someone would be under the same rules.  That woman couldn't go to any Chrysler affiliated business.  No car dealerships, businesses or work for the company.  Since these things are very volatile to begin with, judges give them out for sneezing.  Just in case somebody gets killed in the cross-fire, they don't want to be the judge that says that they denied an order.  Steve got his on he said she said stuff.  Someone has stolen my copy of the PPO he has on me, but I'm going to Oakland County and getting a copy and posting it on this blog.  I can tell you what it says, Phreddie says, Kiyoshi says and Paul McDougal says.  No real contact, and no sightings, e-mails, letters or phone calls.  May I add that would be another case of Stalking for me if it does.

So let's take it to MCL. 750.411i.  In the previous blog it says that I have to disregard an order, probation or stipulation.  Since there is no order for me to stay away from Val Gross, he has a problem.  Don't you think?  Before we can even get into my prior case that was eight (8) years ago, you have to show cause for the warrant.  There is no cause for a warrant to be issued, because there is no standing order to stay away from Val Gross.  So, I ask, where are the police reports of other instances and incidents of harassing?  There are none?  Okay, what are the threats that were made?  There are none?  Okay, so why are we here?  I tell you why:

The Pontiac Police are a bunch of liars, racketeering, drug addicted, drug dealing, crooked ass, dirty ass cops.  That's why!

Don't get me wrong that's the same reason why Steve got that conviction for my Stalking him.  Only he was just afraid of them, instead of one of them.  Val Gross is a bully of great extremes, and as you can see in my case, he's willing to go to such extremes he would risk it all.  But I'm a winner and I don't live to lose.  I was fooled last time, but by a man I loved and trusted more than I should have.  Along with a system that stacked the cards against me in the end.  This time, I'm playing with a dirty cop who is holding up the progress of this city.  Doing his best to keep it drug infested and crippled.  I wonder whose side God is on this time.  A liar's or mine?

For the record I neither love or trust Valard Gross, as far as I could throw him!

When I went to the house on Second, there was a black HHR in the driveway.  Since I left there that day, I have seen so many black HHR's in my path.  Yesterday, one rolled in front of my mother and I for a couple of blocks and turned into what use to be "The Hole" on Paddock.  I wonder if he thinks I"m going to bother his son.  The Judge gave me explicit instructions to stay away from his son and his ex-wife.  So why would I bother that young man.  I don't know him, anyway, and other that the couple of minutes I saw him at his home, I have never talked to him!  Why do I need to talk to him now.  To discuss my case, well, I haven'e talked to the police about my case.  I exercised my right to remain silent and have since that Friday.

Then as my mother and I drove down South Boulevard  turning off Golf Drive.  Who was sitting at the opposite corner in front of the church, but Val Gross.  He was talking on the phone trying to seem not phased by the events that are about to go down in his life.  I was silent and didn't tell my mother until we were almost at Woodward.  I needed to get far enough away to feel comfortable that a patrol car wouldn't come behind me and arrest me for being on the same street as he is.  Yes, that's how bad it is!  How do you want to make a complaint, or talk to an old friend and it keep turning into a court case for you?  That shit is crazy!

I haven't been out the house before yesterday since Christmas Eve when my mother went shopping.  I felt very uncomfortable with being out in public.  I saw a few people I knew and was embarrassed.  Nobody mentioned it, but I got some looks and smirks from people.  Plus, I know, and shouldn't I be allowed to be me?  So Val, Please leave me alone.  I don't want you, I'm not interested in a relationship with you or your "fresh" son and I'm good.  The whole idea that we have been in any domestic relationship is what you are trying to prove, and although you won't be able to, just go away.

As Chief of Police, he has a higher notoriety expectation.  His citizens will invade his space for time-to-time.  Show up at place they know he will be, especially when they are invited.  That's the risks you take as being a public figure.  Your privacy will be invaded, your character put on trial and your children subject to hearing bad things about you.  That is twice as likely to happen when your a person who does bad things.  I have done none of those things to you or Steve.  I haven't been violent, cussed you, destroyed your property or anything.  I brought you a bowl of soup.  If you want to say that I am a criminal and should be treated as such for the rest of my life, I beg to differ.  There are numerous admitted felons who are now productive members of society.  Since I haven't been involved in any criminal activities in six(6) years, I think that speaks for itself.

I've never had a case before that last one, and Stalking doesn't have to end with prison.  It can go on even after a person goes to prison.  My old bunky got three(3) more Stalking charges while in prison and went from 1 year to 19 years in prison, because of it.  She really has four, but they gave her Cobbs on the second. So when you think of this in it's totality PPD is the one with the dysfunctional, psychologically baffling personality.  It starts with their leader.  If you get a new leader, you might have a chance at a more reasonible, efficient and trustworthy police force.  I'm just saying...

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you with everything your have and been enduring with the PPD. I myself feel the same way you do about PPD and the Chief. My daughter's case was never brought to justice because the Chief had a contract with the person they should have arrested. But that didn't happen because he paid them all off. I'm just waiting for KARMA to bit them all in the butt. And I hope the never have another nights sleep with all the dirt and cases the have just ignored. PPD is so sorry.
